CPAP Suppliers Brisbane

CPAP supplies in Brisbane are now available from caring professional treatment providers, rather than mere merchants.  If you need CPAP to deal with your sleep disorder, choose to get your CPAP equipment from people who really care about seeing you getting the best from your CPAP.

Unfortunately, too many CPAP suppliers see CPAP as simply a product, and themselves as simply merchants.  For a condition as serious as sleep disordered breathing (snoring through to obstructive sleep apnoea) this just isn't good enough.  CPAP is a serious treatment for a serious condition.  You deserve to have the best CPAP nurses looking after you.

At The Sleep Therapy Clinics we feel it's our job to not just provide you with a CPAP system, but also to make sure you become completely familiar and comfortable with the treatment so you enjoy the best possible results.

We're proud to be independently recognised as the best Brisbane CPAP supplier.  We've earned this distinction by working one-on-one with each patient, often in the comfort, privacy and convenience of their own home.  Instead of simply providing the CPAP equipment, our sleep therapy nurses will help you trial different masks, CPAP machines, humidification systems, head straps and more ... and they'll keep working with you until they find the ideal combination for your situation and circumstances.

Only then will we recommend you purchase your own CPAP system.  Prior to that, the entire trial period is done with rental machines, so you don't need to make any major outlay until you're absolutely positive about the benefits you'll enjoy. 

Other suppliers sell CPAP systems 'up front' then leave the patient to figure things out themselves.  Not us.  As the best Brisbane CPAP suppliers we go the extra mile to ensure you're fully supported until you're fully comfortable with your treatment.  That full support includes regular phone contacts, visits, data downloads from your CPAP (to check exactly how well you're going and what can be done to improve your results) and a personal help-service for each patient.  The personal help-service means you can call your sleep therapy nurse at any time for help or advice on any matters you're dealing with.

If you've been prescribed CPAP, don't make the mistake of simply getting your CPAP system from a merchant who doesn't care about you after the sale has been made.  Instead, make the decision to get the best results from your CPAP therapy by dealing with the best Brisbane CPAP suppliers. Call us today on 1300 246 637 for a FREE, no obligation chat with one of our friendly treatment staff (normally charged at $35) or complete the form below for more information.

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