• Home - Nature of call
  • Contact Type
  • Level of Screening
  • Book an ST Appointment?
  • Home/Hospital DSS?
  • PT Referred to
  • DSS Explanation
  • Conditions for Home DSS
  • ESS
  • Work Info/DOB/BMI/etc.
  • OSA50
  • Other Common Symptoms
  • Referral Check
  • Medicare Details
  • Legal Name Details
  • DSS Date Booking & Delivery Time Check
  • Home Address
  • Different Delivery Address?
  • Payment Details
  • Call Outcome & Checking of Details
  • *DSS Terms (Prov)
  • *DSS Terms (Fin)
  • *DSS Terms (Re-sched)
  • *DSS Terms (Non DSS)
  • *DSS Terms (Uncontactable)
  • *DSS Terms (Not proceeding)
  • *DSS Terms (No Answer/VM)
  • *DSS Terms (FUP req)
  • *DSS Terms (More info)
  • Summary Notes
  • FUP required?
  • Email required?
  • Submit

Home - Nature of call

Please start by entering your SCS email address to assign this form to yourself. Then Pre-fill the patient’s name and contact number.

So what's happening with your sleep?
What prompted you to get in touch with us?

This question is to start the conversation.

Listen carefully and empathetically. Take minimum notes here.

Contact Type

Determine Level of Screening

It all depends on what you need and want.

You have a range of options.

If you just want to check whether you're at risk of OSA, I can send you an Apnea Risk Assessment test to do. It's free and you can do it anywhere anytime. (SnoreLab is for people who are interested in hearing whether / how loud they snore. If they already know they snore and don't particularly want to hear it, the risk assessment is a more valuable thing to send them.)

At the other end of the scale there are true diagnostic sleep studies. Polysomnograms, which monitor everything that happens while you're asleep. Breathing and snoring patterns. Number of times you stop breathing. Heart activity. Brain activity. Blood oxygen levels. Position. Leg movements and more.

These studies cost money but they are true diagnostic sleep studies, not just a screening. Instead of your diagnosis being calculated by an algorithm, you get a true diagnosis done by a sleep scientists and sleep physician. That means true DSS are recognised by Medicare and the health funds, so if you need any treatment your health fund will make a contribution.

There are also multi channel screening devices you can get online and through pharmacies, and they are quite inexpensive and good as screening devices. But they are not advanced enough to provide a true diagnosis of the nature and severity of your condition, so they are not recognised by Medicare or the health funds, so just be aware of that.

The important thing is you're moving toward finding out why you're feeling the way you feel.

So, from those options, where would you prefer to start?

Things to ask if enquirer doesn't know what he/she wants

What’s been happening with your sleep?
Why are you thinking of getting a sleep study?
What made you think a sleep study is necessary?
How long have you been experiencing this problem?
How do you feel about that?
How often does that happen?
When do you need to get your study done by?

Appointment with ST?

Home or Hospital?

Patient Referred To

If we're not a right fit for the caller, as a helpful service, please Google the patient's postcode + 'sleep study' to find their nearest hospital/clinic/pharmacy that suits their needs.

Quick DSS Explanation

So let me quickly explain our service to make sure you’re clear on what happens. That way we can both be sure we are the best solution for you. How does that sound?

Okay, well the total cost of a diagnostic sleep study is $590 … but if you’re eligible, Medicare will contribute $300 of that, so your out of pocket expense is just $290....That covers:

  • Set up and prep of the diagnostic unit,
  • Delivery to your door on the day you choose for your sleep study,
  • Express delivery satchel for return to us the next morning,
  • Refurbishment of the unit and replacement of leads and sensors used during your study,
  • Everything associated with getting the recorded data to a Sleep Scientist for scoring and then onto an independent Sleep Physician for formal diagnosis.
  • Importantly, there is no need for a visit to a clinic or physician before or after your sleep study because we do all the screening procedures over the phone with you, for free during this phone call.
  • As soon as we get the results, we arrange a time to go through everything in detail and in plain English with you so you know exactly where you stand. That’s all included in the $290.

How does that sound?

Things to mention if the enquirer sounds unconvinced:

  • In your home without leaving your home.
  • No need to visit a site to be fitted with the diagnostic equipment and then wear it around all day, and then revisit the next day to return it.
  • No need to spend a night in a strange bed and environment.
  • A more typical night’s sleep, which can only mean a more relevant diagnosis.

Conditions for a Home Sleep Study

Before we can move forward, Medicare requires me to check for any conditions which would impact on your eligibility for a Medicare contribution.

So could I just go through these questions with you...

Please See Notes and Tips Below:

  • All 8 questions should be answered 'NO' to qualify for a home sleep study.
  • If they answered "YES" for having a disability, they can still be eligible if they have assistance/support available to help them set up and monitor them throughout the night.
  • As long as we ask in a caring way, we won't get any flack. Asking these questions is part of helping them get the right type of DSS.
  • If we don't want to stuff people around and produce a failed test, which they will be completely unhappy about, we need to check. We can also legitimately say that we are required to ask the questions.
  • If someone gets upset, apologies, explain the requirement and send them to a lab/hospital for an attended sleep study.
  • If they have one or more 'YES'(es) from the selection below, they aren't eligible for a Medicare Contribution, their condition is also more likely to impact the results of their home sleep study so it would be best for them to proceed with a hospital/clinic study instead, with a technician monitoring them throughout the night.
  • You can express it like this: '*I am sorry but you would be disqualified for a home sleep study. In order to get accurate results, it would be best for you to go through an in-clinic study instead.*
  • Or like this: '*I am sorry but you're currently not eligible. Although you can still proceed with bulk billed in-clinic sleep study. (Proceed to give alternative options to them.)*
  • If they have one or more 'YES'(es) from the selection below, they could also proceed as a private patient by paying the full price of $590 as a last resort. But please do not openly recommend this option since this will most likely lead to many redos on our end, unless of course, if they insist or they have no other option but us.

Epworth Sleepiness Scale (ESS)

Let's check the likelihood of you having a serious sleep disorder and that will also tell us whether you meet the Medicare elgibility criteria. This first test is based on the Epworth Sleepiness Scale.

What I’m going to do is give you some different scenarios and I want you to tell me how likely it is you would feel sleepy, not fall asleep, feel sleepy in these situations. The possible answers are No chance, slight chance, moderate, or high chance.

So how likely is it you would feel sleepy if you were:

(Medicare Criteria: Total ESS Score of 8+)

The ESS criteria (8+)

Work info, DOB, BMI, Neck & Waist Size

Alright, now I just need to ask some things to check you against the STOPBANG criteria. Let me start with your date of birth?

(1972 or earlier = Age over 50 / *Must be 18+ to proceed with the home sleep study)

I will need to calculate your Body Mass Index, so can I get your height & weight?

(Medicare criteria for obesity is *35 BMI)

(e.g. 192cm)

Neck size? Collar size? Shirt size? Normal, Large or XL?

neck size chart

(Medicare Criteria: Female 41cm+ or Male 43cm+)


Waist size? Belt size? Trouser size? Normal, Large or XL?

pant size chart

IMPORTANT. Please make sure to fill up the waist size so that we can provide the right waist band for their sleep study.

(Medicare Criteria: Waist = Female 88cm+ or Male 102cm+)


The STOPBANG Criteria (3+)

Medicare criteria: total score must 3 and above

The OSA50 Criteria (5+)

Medicare criteria: total score must 5 and above

Common Symptoms & Consequences

Finally, let me check for some symptoms and consequences.

Each of the conditions I'm about to mention are linked to a serious sleep disorder. More than one of these conditions increases the likelihood of you having serious sleep disordered breathing, so it’s important to include on your referral.

Consequences & Co-morbidities

Let the patient know their eligibility for Medicare contribution.

Referral Check

This form will be sent to you as a referral so we will need you to see your GP and send the signed referral back to us before we can send the unit out.

When do you think you’ll be able to do that?

Please emphasize that we need the signed referral before we can proceed with the dispatch of the sleep study unit otherwise we will need to reschedule their DSS to a later date

Medicare Card Details

*Add day value of *01* before saving (e.g 01/07/2017)

Legal Name Details

Pls enter the surname in *UPPERCASE LETTERS*

Book Date & Check Delivery Time

Please check the estimated delivery time below

So when would you like to do your sleep study? Which night is best for you?


If the unit turns up early, then if convenient, they should do the test that night. If not, then they should do it during the booked date.

If the unit delivery has been delayed, then study needs to be done as soon at it arrives to them.

Please note that we don't book sleep studies on Weekends and during Public Holidays.
NSW/SA - 2-4 days
VIC - 3-6 days
WA - 3-5 days
QLD/ACT/TAS - 2-3 days
NT - 3-7 days
Regional Areas - 4-6 days

Comment if appropriate: We use Australia Post, so unfortunately, actual delivery time on the day is out of our control, but we do send a tracking code for your convenience. But don’t worry if the unit is delivered late, which it seldom is, you’ll just need to do your study the following night...Will that be OK?

Now according to Australia Post...delivery to your address will be XXXX. 

How does that sound?

**should be 1 DAY before 'DISPATCH DATE" **if Dispatch Day is on Monday, Cut off should be on FRIDAY **if patient hasn't PAID, cut off should be 2 WEEKS before the 'Dispatch Date'

Address Details

Please be reminded to *DOUBLE CHECK* the Patient's address by using the link below before finalising or submitting the reception form. Please check also the spelling before submitting.

Different Delivery Address Details

Please be reminded to *DOUBLE CHECK* the Patient's address by using the link below before finalising or submitting the reception form. Please check also the spelling before submitting.

Payment Details

Details Check & Call Outcome

Let me just check if I have your mobile number & email correctly one final time...
...Before you go, as one of our privacy protocols we always ask for your permission before we use your email address. We'll only ever use it to help with your enquiry and overall health and wellbeing. So, can I have your permission?"

Conversationally: "Okay, so you'll get an email from us soon, explaining everything. Your diagnostic unit will be delivered to you at ADDRESS , on the day of your sleep study, the DATE .

Set up is a cinch and a Sleep Therapist is on standby to help with any issues. After your normal nghtly routine you go to sleep when you're ready. Make sure you don't use any other form of sleeping aid such as a dental splint on the night of the study as it will impact on the diagnostic results.

Next morning, you just return the recorder to us through a Post Office, in the satchel we provide. We will get back to you with your results as soon as the sleep scientist and sleep physician have done their things. Does that all make sense? Do you have any questions?"

DSS Terms (Prov DSS)

Please select & copy the relevant DSS Terms below and paste to the 'Summary Notes' section.

Prov DSS: Awt CPF payment. Signed ref received

Copy the DSS Terms Below

Current Date:  (Please input date today)
Prov Sleep Study Date: 
Signed GP Referral Received. Awt CPF Payment. 
Cutoff Date: 1 Day before Dispatch - excluding weekends)
Assigned to [CCS to add ST and time]
Prov DSS 
Name of PT: 
Mobile of PT:  
Estimated Delivery Time:
[CCS to add bit.ly link]

Prov DSS: Awt CPF by credit card & signed referral

Copy the DSS Terms Below

Current Date: (Please input date today)
Prov Sleep Study Date:
Awt CPF and Signed Referral. 
Cutoff Date: (2 weeks before dispatch)
Assigned to [CCS to add ST and time]
Prov DSS
Name of PT:
Mobile of PT:
Estimated Delivery Time:
[CCS to add bit.ly link]

Prov DSS: Awt CPF by direct deposit & signed referral

Copy the DSS Terms Below

Current Date: (Please input date today)
Prov Sleep Study Date:
Awt CPF via direct deposit and Signed Referral. 
Cutoff Date: (2 weeks before dispatch)
Assigned to [CCS to add ST and time]
Prov DSS
Name of PT:
Mobile of PT:
Estimated Delivery Time:
[CCS to add bit.ly link]

Prov DSS: Awt CPF & Online GP Payment

Copy the DSS Terms Below

Current Date: (Please input date today)
Prov Sleep Study Date:
Awt CPF and Online GP Payment. CCS to send Pre-filled Referral to Dr Risto once PAID .
Cutoff Date: (2 weeks before dispatch)
Assigned to [CCS to add ST and time]
Prov DSS
Name of PT:
Mobile of PT:
Estimated Delivery Time:
[CCS to add bit.ly link]

Prov DSS: CPF paid. Awt signed ref

Copy the DSS Terms Below

Current Date: (Please input date today)
Prov Sleep Study Date:
CPF Paid. Awt Signed Referral. 
CPF Receipt:
Cutoff Date: (1 Day before Dispatch - excluding weekends)
Assigned to [CCS to add ST and time]
Prov DSS
Name of PT:
Mobile of PT:
Estimated Delivery Time:
[CCS to add bit.ly link]

Prov DSS: CPF & Online GP paid. Awt Dr Risto referral

Copy the DSS Terms Below

Current Date: (Please input date today)
Prov Sleep Study Date:
CPF and Online GP Paid. Pre-filled Referral sent by CCS to Dr Risto.
CPF Receipt:
Assigned to [CCS to add ST and time]
Prov DSS
Name of PT:
Mobile of PT:
Estimated Delivery Time:
[CCS to add bit.ly link]

Prov DSS: (Max Medicare) $590 Paid. AWT Signed Ref

Copy the DSS Terms Below

Current Date: (Please input date today)
Max Medicare $590 Paid. AWT Signed Referral.
CPF Receipt:
Cutoff Date: (2 weeks before dispatch)
Assigned to [CCS to add ST and time]
Prov DSS
Name of PT:
Mobile of PT:
[CCS to add bit.ly link]

Prov DSS: Private Pt. Awaiting $590 payment

Copy the DSS Terms Below

Current Date: (Please input date today)
Prov Sleep Study Date:
Awt CPF $290 & Medicare Component $300 Payment. No Medicare or Signed Referral needed - Private Patient.
Cutoff Date: (2 weeks before dispatch)
Assigned to [CCS to add ST and time]
Prov DSS
Name of PT:
Mobile of PT:
Estimated Delivery Time:
[CCS to add bit.ly link]

Prov DSS: Night Owl. AWT $149 Payment

Copy the DSS Terms Below

Current Date: (Please input date today)
Awt CPF $149 Payment. No Medicare or Signed Referral needed.
Cutoff Date: (2 weeks before dispatch)
Assigned to [CCS to add ST and time]
Prov DSS
Name of PT:
Mobile of PT:
[CCS to add bit.ly link]

DSS Terms (Finalised DSS Booked)

Please copy the relevant DSS Terms below and paste to the 'Summary Notes' section.

DSS Finalised: Private Pt. $590 paid or $440 (MAS review) paid

Copy the DSS Terms Below

Current Date: (Please input date today)
Finalised Sleep Study Date:
CPF & Medicare Component Paid. No Medicare or Signed Referral needed - Private Patient.
Payment Receipt:
Assigned to [CCS to add ST and time]
Finalised DSS
Name of PT:
Mobile of PT:
Estimated Delivery Time:
[CCS to add bit.ly link]

DSS Finalised: CPF Paid & Referral Received

Copy the DSS Terms Below

Current Date: (Please input date today)
Finalised Sleep Study Date:
CPF Paid & Signed Referral Received.
Cutoff Date: (Must be 1 Day before Dispatch - excluding weekends)
Assigned to [CCS to add ST and time]
Finalised DSS
Name of PT:
Mobile of PT:
Estimated Delivery Time:
[CCS to add bit.ly link]

DSS Finalised: Max Medicare Threshold Claim. $590 Paid & Referral Received

Copy the DSS Terms Below

Current Date: (Please input date today)
Finalised Sleep Study Date:
Max Medicare Threshold Claim Patient. CPF $590 Paid. Signed Ref received.
Payment Receipt:
Cutoff Date: (Must be 1 Day before Dispatch - excluding weekends)
Assigned to [CCS to add ST and time]
Finalised DSS
Name of PT:
Mobile of PT:
Estimated Delivery Time:
[CCS to add bit.ly link]

DSS Finalised: Night Owl PT. $149 Paid

Copy the DSS Terms Below

Current Date: (Please input date today)
$149 Paid & Order sent to Sisu..
Cutoff Date: (Must be 1 Day before Dispatch - excluding weekends)
Assigned to [CCS to add ST and time]
Finalised DSS
Name of PT:
Mobile of PT:
[CCS to add bit.ly link]

DSS Terms (DSS re-scheduled)

Please copy the relevant DSS Terms below and paste to the 'Summary Notes' section.

DSS Re-scheduled: New Sleep Study Date

Copy the DSS Terms Below

Current Date: (Please input date today)
Re-scheduled Sleep Study Date:
Cutoff Date: (1 Day before Dispatch - excluding weekends)
Assigned to [CCS to add ST and time]
Prov DSS
Name of PT:
Mobile of PT:
Estimated Delivery Time:
[CCS to add bit.ly link]

DSS Terms (Non DSS)

Please copy the relevant DSS Terms below and paste to the 'Summary Notes' section.

Non DSS Enquiry (DSS for children, CPAP parts, etc.)

Copy the DSS Terms Below

Current Date: (Please input date today)
Non DSS. Lead Lost. No Other FUP Required.

DSS Terms (Uncontactable)

Please copy the relevant DSS Terms below and paste to the 'Summary Notes' section.

Patient Uncontactable. (No response from patient)

Copy the DSS Terms Below

Current Date: (Please input date today)
EM Sequence sent. No contact with Pt. No Other FUP Required.

DSS Terms (Not proceeding)

Please copy the relevant DSS Terms below and paste to the 'Summary Notes' section.

Caller not proceeding: Not Medicare eligible

Copy the DSS Terms Below

Current Date: (Please input date today)
Not proceeding with sleep study. Not Medicare eligible. Lead lost. No other FUP required.

Caller not proceeding: Can’t afford

Copy the DSS Terms Below

Current Date: (Please input date today)
Not proceeding with sleep study. Can’t afford sleep study. Lead lost. No other FUP required.

Caller not proceeding: Other (Please state reason)

Copy the DSS Terms Below

Current Date: (Please input date today)
Not proceeding with sleep study (please put reason). Lead lost. No other FUP required.

DSS Terms (No answer/response)

Please copy the relevant DSS Terms below and paste to the 'Summary Notes' section.

Pt did not answer: 1st call

Copy the DSS Terms Below

Current Date: (Please input date today)
1st call. No contact with Pt. Left a voicemail message. 'SMS - FUP Call Again?' sent. Book FUP Call.

Pt did not answer: 2nd call

Copy the DSS Terms Below

Current Date: (Please input date today)
2nd call. No contact with Pt. Left a voicemail message. 'EM FUP - w/ Acuity' sent. If appointment booked, FUP with call. If no response, send EM Sequence #1. 

No response: Email FUP

Copy the DSS Terms Below

Current Date: (Please input date today)
No SMS response. 'EM Sequence #1' sent.  If no response, send EM Sequence #3. 

Replied to EM but Pt did not answer: 3rd call

Copy the DSS Terms Below

Current Date: (Please input date today)
3rd call. Replied to email but no contact with Pt. Left a voicemail. 'EM Sequence #2' sent.  If no response, send EM Sequence #3. 

No Email response: Last Email FUP

Copy the DSS Terms Below

Current Date: (Please input date today)
No response to previous email. 'EM Sequence #3' sent. No further action required.

DSS Terms (FUP required)

Please copy the relevant DSS Terms below and paste to the 'Summary Notes' section.

Pt asked for call back: FUP call booked

Copy the DSS Terms Below

Current Date: (Please input date today)
Pt currently unavailable. Call rescheduled via this FUP link: https://bit.ly/321A2Ul
FUP Date & Time:

DSS Terms (More info/referral sent)

Please copy the relevant DSS Terms below and paste to the 'Summary Notes' section.

More info requested: DSS Explained

Copy the DSS Terms Below

Current Date: (Please input date today)
More info requested by the Pt. DSS explained. Pre-filled referral & cover letter sent through Jotforms.

More info requested: DSS Not Explained

Copy the DSS Terms Below

Current Date: (Please input date today)
More info requested by the Pt. DSS not explained. Assessment not conducted. OSARA pdf sent.

More info: Asked for blank referral for GP

Copy the DSS Terms Below

Current Date: (Please input date today)
Referral requested by the Pt. Blank Referral form sent through email.

Summary Notes & Comments

NOTE: Please put the latest notes down at the bottom of the SUMMARY NOTES / COMMENTS section so that we can easily see what happened throughout the call in ascending order.
Please make sure to input the DATE before putting in your notes
IMPORTANT: FYI After calculation of the ‘DELIVERY TIME’ please add 1 additional day. This will help us be on time or earlier more often &, it will save Alice (Our admin personnel) a lot of work, dealing with late deliveries.
must be 1 day before Estimated Delivery time - excluding weekends

Follow Up Actions

Please make a calendar event in the CC's Calendar

Email actions

Submission step

You've collected all the data from the patient.

Just hit the submit button below

Data is collected succefully and stored in database.