Sleep Diagnostic Services In Regional Queensland

Sleep disorder sufferers in regional and remote parts of Queensland no longer need to defer treatment or travel long distances for diagnosis.  A new service by The Sleep Therapy Clinic has our team visiting a variety of regional centres on a regular basis. 

Appointments can be made by visiting your local General Practitioner and requesting a diagnostic sleep study.  If your area is not currently covered, you can request a visit via the form, below.

Most of the cost of the study is covered by Medicare, with an out of pocket expense of less than $200.  This is obviously far less than the costs associated with travelling, meals and accommodation incurred when visiting a major city sleep unit. 

As an added benefit, the polysomnogram (diagnostic sleep study) is done with a state of the art portable diagnostic recorder, which the patient wears overnight in the comfort and privacy of their own home. 

For more information, see your doctor, call 07 3218 2171, or complete the form below.

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