Sleep Apnoea Treatment Brisbane

Sleep apnoea treatment in Brisbane has never been more accessible.

Sleep apnoea treatment in Brisbane (including diagnosis) can now be done in the comfort and privacy of your own home. 

Specially trained Sleep Therapy nurses will screen you with a detailed questionnnaire over the phone.  When appropriate, an appointment will be made for the nurse to visit your home or work to deliver and demonstrate a diagnostic sleep recorder (polysomnogram).  The diagnostic recorder is worn overnight in the comfort of your own bed, delivering a much more typical night's sleeping patterns.  The next morning the data will be collected and dispatched to an independent specialist sleep physician. 

If the sleep physician diagnoses obstructive sleep apnoea the nurse will commence treatment with CPAP (constant positive airway pressurisation).  Again this is done in the comfort and privacy of your own home.

Unlike mere CPAP merchants, our nurses will guide you through the process of becoming a successful CPAP user.  CPAP is considered the 'gold standard' for the treatment of sleep apnoea, but some patients experience some difficulty in complying with the treatment.  This is precisely where our nurses can help.  Over a period of a month or more, using a rental machine, the nurse will test and adjust different masks, headbands, CPAP systems and humidification equipment.  Regular checks will be performed to confirm that the equipment is being worn properly and no excess air leackage is occuring.  Only once you are comfortably and effectively using the CPAP equipment, and only once your sleep disorder has been restored to 'normal' levels will the nurse arrange for you to purchase your own equipment.  Regular checks will continue to occur at the 3, 6 and 12 months marks, with annual reviews thereafter to ensure continued effectiveness. 

Sleep apnoea treatment in Brisbane is not offered to this high standard by any other treatment provider -- so if you want treatment that works, rather than just an expensive piece of equipment which gathers dust and never gets used, contact us.

In all cases, the side effects and consequences of sleep apnoea are very serious and tend to worsen over time.  For more information, visit Effects of Snoring & Apnoea

If you suspect you or someone you know has any form of sleep apnoea, call 1300 246 637 to discuss getting excellent apnoea treatment in Brisbane.  A friendly treatment coordinator will be happy to answer your questions, or you can complete the form below.

Need sleep apnoea treatment in Brisbane?