Schedule Your Sleep Apnea Screening Appointment Now
Choose the best time to speak with a sleep health expert. Cost and obligation free.
Your Sleep Apnea Screening appointment uses three professionally recognised and scientifically validated tests which accurately determine your obstructive sleep apnea risk assessment (OSARA) profile. The tests are done (by phone) with a friendly Care Coordinator. They'll answer your questions and provide practical next-step options and advice.
✅ There is no cost for the appointment,
✅ A Care Coordinator will call you at the time you choose,
✅ You will know your results immediately (cost and obligation free),
✅ You will learn your Medicare eligibility status during the call,
Your screening requires discussion about your sleep and health. You may prefer to be somewhere private during your phone appointment, so be sure to choose a suitable time.
Please note: We set aside time to provide this service. Please only make an appointment if you require a free Sleep Apnea Screening, and please be available and ready for your call. For other enquiries, please call us on 1300 246 637.
What's it like getting a sleep study with Sleep Clinic Services?

Care you can trust. For over a decade, Australia's best provider.

Get in touch
Are you ready to reclaim peaceful restorative sleep?
Wherever you are, we can help.
As Australia's leading provider of telehealth screening, diagnosis and solutions for 'snoring and sleep apnea' sufferers, we care for people all around Australia.
Call during business hours or fill in the form and we'll call you back at the time you choose. No cost, no obligation.